Parking Policies and Resources

All vehicles belonging to students, faculty and staff parked on Benedictine College property are required to display a valid parking permit.  Permits must be displayed on the interior of the front windshield on the driver’s side.  Motorcycles, etc. are also required to have a valid parking permit; more information regarding the display of a permit is available by contacting Campus Security. Benedictine College has the authority to restrict any driver from driving on any Benedictine property or leased property at any time.

Students, Faculty and Staff can obtain a permit through the College’s designated parking partner, ( Student permits are valid for one year from August to July and must be registered for each academic year.  Registration for the new academic year begins August 1st for permits.

Faculty and Staff – Parking permits are provided to faculty and staff at no charge. Faculty and staff that utilize a second vehicle must register for permits for both vehicles.

Students – Parking permits are provided to residential and off campus students at no charge. All students must register for a permit to park on campus.  Please contact Campus Security for more information.

Individuals who require assistance in registering for a parking permit may contact Campus Security or the Operations Department between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Operations Department office located at 1301 North 3rd St. in the Operation’s Building.  Campus Security can be reached at (913) 360-8888 and the Operations Department can be reached at (913) 360-7421.

Parking on campus is available to valid permit holders on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The display of a valid Benedictine College parking permit only allows the holder to search for and park in a parking space as space is available.  It does not guarantee the availability of a space on Campus.  In addition to helping to offset the cost of Campus Security patrolling the campus, funds collected through parking ticket fees help to maintain and add parking lots and sidewalks across campus.

Visitors to Benedictine College are welcome to park in any of the lots on campus.  There are a limited number of visitor parking spots on campus, North Haverty Lot, Elizabeth Lot and any parking space in the Rec Center Lot.  These designated spots are reserved for visitors to the college and are not available for use by students, faculty and staff.  Visitors or their host are encouraged to request a temporary parking permit from Campus Security or the Operations Department to prevent unnecessary ticketing of their vehicle during their visit.  Visitors to campus are not required to pay tickets received and should contact Campus Security in the event they receive one.

Abbey Parking is reserved for Staff of the Abbey & Guests of the Abbey. No Student or Faculty Parking is allowed at any time. All Students and Faculty are asked to park in their designated areas and walk to attend Abbey Events and Spiritual Direction. All Violation in the Abbey Circle will be ticketed and are subject to the normal ticketing procedures.   

Parking Regulations

  • Parking facilities are patrolled, regulations enforced 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
  • Parking permits are not required during designated college holidays and breaks. All other regulations still apply and will be enforced.
  • Parking regulations apply to all non-college owned vehicles.
  • All parking violations assessed to a vehicle are the responsibility of the permit holder.
  • Illegal permits will be subject to an unregistered vehicle citation and may result in the loss of parking privileges.
  • Permits are not assignable, refundable, and may not be sold.
  • Permit owners must remove the permit from vehicles before they are sold, traded, or otherwise not used on campus. The permit may be used on any new vehicle provided the same permit owner owns the new vehicle, and the registration information for the new vehicle is updated at
  • Permits must be surrendered to Campus Security upon request.
  • Vehicles must be parked within designated parking spots and without obstructing parking in adjacent spaces.
  • Parking is prohibited on college streets and drives except where designated by official signs. The lack of a No Parking sign or painted curb does not imply a legal parking space.
  • If an individual’s vehicle becomes disabled (inoperable) on campus, Campus Security must be notified immediately. If the vehicle is not removed or repaired within 48 hours, it may be subject to removal and impoundment (see “Excessive Violations & Impoundment” below).
  • During special events, Campus Security has the authority to close selected lots to regular permit holders and require vehicles to be moved.
  • The College assumes no liability or duty for the care or protection of vehicles or their contents while the vehicle is on any property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the College.
  • No person shall stop or park any vehicle in a parking space which is clearly reserved for the use of physically disabled persons unless such vehicle displays a State or College provided handicapped permit.
  • Any vehicle driven on campus must be operated with caution, compatible with existing weather, pedestrians crossing and vehicular traffic conditions. 
  • Reckless driving on the college campus will not be tolerated and can result in loss of parking privileges and/or a ticket.
  • Motorized vehicles (except wheelchairs and certain designated college vehicles), including, but not limited to, motorbikes, scooters, motorcycles and mopeds shall not be operated or parked on the grass, sidewalks, or pedestrian walkways of the campus at any time.  Motorbikes, scooters and mopeds (ONLY) can be parked by the bike racks.  Motorcycles must be parked in a valid parking space or safely beside a bike rack.
  • No student, faculty or staff person may park on P St., anywhere north of the Asher Sports Complex, or on the Abbey private drive east of the Asher Sports Complex (gravel road).
  • The designated parking area for Asher Sports Complex is the Amino lot and the Practice Field Lot. Anyone driving to an event at Asher Sports Complex is required to park in the Amino lot and the Practice Field lot.
  • Students, faculty, and staff are not permitted to park in the Abbey parking lot or Abbey Circle Drive between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday.

Permit Classifications / Parking Lots and Areas

Faculty & Staff Permits

Faculty and staff permits are available to non-students who are employed directly by Benedictine College.

  • Faculty and staff permit holders may park in any parking lot or parking area except for designated spots marked with a sign, such as handicapped, RD, Visitor or other reserved spots.
  • The parking lot west of Bishop Fink Hall and east of St. Benedict’s Church is for Faculty and Staff parking only.
  • Faculty and Staff are not permitted to park in the Abbey parking lot or Abbey Circle Drive between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday.

Residential Student Permits

Residential Permits are available to any student who lives in Guadalupe, Elizabeth, St. Joseph, Turner Newman, Kremmeter, Lemke, Legacy, Wolf (Apartments), St Michael, St Gabriel, McDonald, Scholastica Campus Houses and Memorial.

Off-Campus Student Permits

Off-campus student permits are available to any student who does not live in a college residence hall or campus house.

  • Off-Campus Student permit holders may park in any Residential lots., Mother Teresa, Amino and the Practice Field lot. 
  • Off-Campus Students MAY NOT park on Row House Lot.  

  Row House Permits

  • Row House student permits are available to any student who lives in one of the designated College Row Houses. Row House Students are allowed to park in your specific Row House lot! Row House student permit holders may park in, St. Mikes, Cray, McDonald, Newman, Mother Teresa, Scholastica, St Gabriel, Memorial, New Practice Field lot and the Amino Center lots. 

Handicap Permits

Handicap permits are available to any student, faculty or staff member with a state provided handicap or disabled placard, license plate and/or ID card.  Temporary permits are available for qualifying students, faculty or staff members and are available by contacting Campus Security or the Operations Department.  These permits must be displayed on the dash or hanging from the rearview mirror.

  • Handicap permit holders may park in any parking lot or parking area.

Visitor Permits

Visitor permits are available through Campus Security or the Operations Department.

  • Visitor permit holders may park in any parking lot or parking area not designated with signage.


Benedictine Campus Security has the authority to halt motor vehicles, issue tickets for violations, and to enforce traffic regulations. This includes the areas designated “No Student Parking” per the Atchison Police Department.  Campus Security may utilize student workers to issue parking tickets.  After consultation with the Director of Operations, Campus Security has the authority to order vehicles to be towed, impounded or apply immobilizing wheel locks.


Ticket fees are considered a legal obligation to Benedictine College.  Tickets must be paid via credit card, debit card, or online check payment through (http://benedictine.the Tickets must be paid within 30 calendar days from the issuance date of the ticket. Tickets may be appealed within 14 calendar days from the issuance date of the ticket. (See “Appeals” below for more information).  Tickets that have not been paid, or appealed within this time frame will result in an additional late fee of $10 per ticket.  Toward the end of each semester, all unpaid ticket fees will automatically be added to student, faculty, or staff accounts and may result in a financial hold being placed on a student account until paid in full.

Any vehicle ticketed for not properly displaying a valid parking permit will be issued a $100 ticket for the first offense.  Once a valid permit is obtained, the first ticket will be waived.  Subsequent tickets in the amount of $100 for not displaying a valid parking permit will not be waived.

Vehicles may be re-ticketed for the same violation if the violation has not been corrected by the next calendar day.  Windshield notes and / or hazard lights will not be recognized when a vehicle is parked illegally.

Faculty and Staff with valid permits will be issued tickets that are $25.00 per violation.

Students will be issued tickets as follows:

$20 Violations

  • Parking on 2nd St. from Mound St. to Harper Drive.  

$50 Violations

  • Parking in the Abbey Circle Drive or the St. Benedict’s Church lot (Note that Benedictine College permits DO NOT grant permission to park on Abbey or St. Benedict’s Church property at any time.)
  • Parking in the elementary school lot on 2nd St. (Out of respect for our neighbors at St. Benedict Catholic School, no students should park in their lot. This lot will be patrolled, and violators will be ticketed.)
  • Parking outside of a marked parking stall.
  • Parking in an area not specifically designated as a parking area for motor vehicles.
  • Parking in an area other than specified by the parking permit.
  • Any other parking violation deemed inappropriate.
  • Blocking drive, loading dock areas, roadway or another vehicle.
  • Restricting the normal flow of traffic.
  • Restricting or blocking access to garbage dumpsters or loading areas.
  • Unauthorized storage of a vehicle or trailer on college property.
  • Parking up to two wheels of a vehicle on the grass / off the pavement.
  • Any other parking or moving violation deemed as an unsafe condition, such as, but not limited to speeding, reckless driving, or not stopping for a Campus Security Officer.

$100 Violations

  • Parking in a designated fire lane or adjacent to a fire hydrant or standpipe connection.
  • Illegally parking in a handicap space designated for the physically disabled.
  • Displaying a forged, altered or lost/stolen parking permit.
  • Misrepresentation of an illegal registration.
  • Driving on the grass or sidewalks.
  • Parking more than two wheels of a vehicle on the grass / off the pavement.
  • Any other significant parking or moving violation.

 Excessive Violations / Towing / Impoundment

  • Any vehicle that receives a third ticket when the first two remain unpaid or any vehicle that violates this policy in a manner that is egregious may be deemed an “Excessive Violator” and is subject to immobilization, towing, and/or impoundment.
  • Excessive Violator vehicles may be immobilized with a wheel boot or lock. A $100 removal fee must be paid in addition to any outstanding ticket fees prior to the wheel immobilizer being removed from the vehicle.
  • Any vehicle impounded will not be released until all ticket and impound fees have been paid or satisfactory arrangements made with the Director of Operations.
  • Once a wheel boot or lock has been applied to a vehicle, the permit holder may not appeal any tickets.
  • Any disabled / neglected vehicle parked on college property may be deemed a common nuisance and will be towed and impounded.  The cost of each towing and impoundment shall be payable to the towing company by the owner of the vehicle.


All requests for an appeal of a parking ticket and reinstatement of parking privileges will be directed to the Parking Ticket Appeals Committee.  The procedures are:

  • All Appeals will be charged a $10 administrative fee through (http://benedictine.the The Appeals Board may, at its discretion, waive the administrative fee.
  • An Appeals Form must be completed and submitted at (http://benedictine.the within fourteen (14) days of the issuance of the ticket.  The Appeals Board meets once per month and may uphold or dismiss the violation.
  • Once a ticket has been paid or the vehicle has been immobilized (Booted) it may not be appealed.
  • Appeals will not be accepted after fourteen (14) days from the date of the violation.
  • The decision of the Appeals Board is final.  All fees must be paid within fourteen (14) days following the decision of the Appeals Board.  Failure to do so may result in the vehicle being immobilized or impounded, which will result in the assessment of additional fees.

Individuals who require assistance in appealing a ticket may contact Campus Security or the Operations Department between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at the Operations Department office located at 1301 North 3rd St. in the Operations Building. Campus Security can be reached at (913) 360-8888 and the Operations Department can be reached at (913) 360-7421.

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